Treatment facilities for domestic wastewater are designed to remove mechanical impurities, nitrogen compounds (nitrates, nitrites), surfactants, fats, oil products and other pollutants.
The principle of operation is based on several stages of treatment:
1.Mechanical cleaning - retention of large impurities and sedimentation of ine suspended solids.
2.Biological treatment - sorption and oxidation of organic compounds.
3.Additional wastewater treatment - biosorption and biochemical oxidation of solutions of protein substances, organic acids, low carbohydrates,
synthetic surfactants and phenols.
4.Disinfection - removal of pathogenic bacteria, pathogenic viruses and fungi.
According to the type of execution, treatment facilities are subdivided into surface and underground.
The surface treatment plant has a full factory production modular design.Wastewater treatment plants over 100 m³ / day consist of separate block-modules, which are easily assembled into a single complex at the site of their installation.
Block modules are equipped with a heat-insulating layer and durable facing material, which allows the treatment plants to operate in harsh climatic conditions.
Material for manufacturing of technological modules:
- Structural steel with anti-corrosion coating.
- Stainless steel.
Underground treatment plant is designed as a complex of ready-made cylindrical factory blocks.Technological blocks are segmented into a sand trap, a primary clariier, a biological treatment unit, an ultrailtration unit, a secondary clariier and a disinfection unit.Technological reservoirs are placed on a prepared foundation and interconnected by technological pipelines.
Material for manufacturing of technological modules:
- Polymer composite material.
- Polyethylene
The PRINCIPLE OF OPERATION of surface and underground installations is based on the technology of complete waste treatment:
- Mechanical pre-cleaning (removal of sand, grease and suspended solids);
- Biological treatment (removal of carbon pollution);
- Gravitational sedimentation (separation of sediment from treated water);
- Disinfection of efluents.
Mechanical treatment consists in the passage of wastewater through a mechanical grid, sand trap and primary sedimentation tank.The biological treatment process starts with receiving storage chamber, where anaerobic denitriication processes take place with the release of nitrogen gas. This process takes place due to the mixing of circulating activated sludge with newly supplied wastewater.
The storage chamber has a design that allows water replacement processes proceed at the lowest speed.
Then the efluent goes to the bioreactor. In the bioreactor, the destruction of organic matter occurs due to activated sludge.
The bioreactor is equipped with modern pneumatic aeration systems and polymer bio-carrier. Due to the use of the polymer bio-carrier, the concentration of activated sludge increases 6-10 times in comparison with the usual aeration tank-nitriier system.
Treated wastewater then goes to a secondary clariier, where activated sludge is separated from water. The activated sludge is returned to the beginning of the puriication process with the help of the aerial lift system, and the clariied water enters the clean water tank.
Pumps installed in the clean water tank supply puriied wastewater to the complex of ilters for additional treatment. Further, the puriied water is disinfected.